It is our topmost priority to provide safe, sound a secure working environment

Our Mission

SA Energy Limited’s mission is ensuring the security and efficiency supply of petroleum products in Ghana and West-Africa Sub Region.

Our VIsion

Our vision is to be the choice bulk distribution company providing innovative and excellent services committed to growth, opportunity and profit as well as community enrichment within Ghana and West-Africa Sub Region.

SA Energy is committed to the communities it serves


We are mindful of our social contract with society and the communities we operate in, and their needs are at the forefront of what we do as a company. We are committed to operating within the legal and regulatory framework governing the country and that of our business operations. We strive to be a good corporate citizen, which demands that we perform all our civic responsibilities – this includes policies that ensure the protection of the environment. We are also committed to working with regulatory bodies and communities towards socio-economic growth and investment in people.

SA Energy Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

We wholeheartedly comply with all laws and regulations of anti-bribery and corruption in the country we operate. We do not pay bribes, kickbacks and undue commission to people or organisations to gain or maintain business. We have resolved to accurately and properly keep all books of accounts and to disclose all transactions in our books. We shall conduct thorough due diligence on all parties before we transact business. We shall adequately disclose all information in compliance with applicable regulatory standards as well as accounting standards. No officer is to interfere with or seek to impede either directly or indirectly the auditing of financial records of SA by external auditors, Tax Auditors or any audit commissioned by the government through any of its agencies.

Our employees are our greatest resource

Health, Safety, Environment and Quality

It is our policy to ensure employees, third parties and the society are provided with the needed health education and safety guidelines to ensure employees, customers and society do not in any way put their lives at risk by coming into contact with any part of our business.

Health Policy

  • To conduct our business operations in a healthy manner and under both locally and internationally accepted health protocols and applicable laws and where there are no laws and regulations, international best practices shall prevail.
  • To identify, assess, evaluate, and correct any potential health risks related to our operations and its potential effects on our people.
  • To control potential health and related risk through training programmes and monitoring to ensure the health of staff, contractors, subcontractors, and society in general are not endangered.
  • Ensure that all potential employees are declared medically fit by the company’s assigned doctor or medical facility before allowing them to work in order that they do not harm themselves and their colleagues at work.
  • Ensure periodic medical screening/service for all employees to cover work related illness and other illness to ensure high productive and personal well being of employees and to loss of man hours due absenteeism as a result of ill health be it work related or not. Employee medical records obtained shall be treated with strict confidentiality.
  • Ensure that employees and their dependents are provided with adequate medical insurance for sound and healthy workforce and their households.
  • Provide Workman’s compensation insurance policy for employees who can potentially be injured in line of duty and Group Personal Accidents Insurance policy to all employees.
  • Employers and contractors to report health risk related incidents to their supervisors as soon as possible for prompt resolution. Under no circumstance should an employee who has uncovered an unhealthy working environment assume that someone else will report.

Safety Policy

  • Provide personal protective equipment to employees whose work demands that they are protected at all times. Employees, contractors, and third parties must strictly adhere to all safety protocols at the site to ensure their safety and that of others. A breach of the prescribed safety protocols shall be severely punished.
  • Communicate to employees, contractors, and third parties, occupational hazards, and safety risk issues associated with a particle assignment or schedule.
  • Provide employees with the requisite knowledge to handle equipment well before they are assigned to the job/schedule.
  • Encourage employees to voice concern about a job they feel incapable or inadequate to undertake.
  • Empower employees to cease/stop work and inform others to do the same if it is not safe to continue and report immediately to their supervisors for action to be taken.
  • Ensure emergency numbers and emergency procedures are displayed at vantage points to enable employees and clients on our premises to respond swiftly to emergencies.
SA Energy Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

  • Comply with all local environmental legislation and international environmental safety requirements and adopt global best practices where there is no regulation.
  • Commit to continuously assess the environmental impact of our activities through self-audit of our environmental performance against the laid down ecological requirements.
  • Train and succinctly communicate our environmental aims and objectives to our employees, contractors, and third parties and the society in all environmental matters as a result of our business activities.
  • Participate and assist regulators, and civil society organisations to develop environmental standards to guide our industry to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment.
  • Address quickly all environmental issues that come to fore from our business activities and put in place mechanisms to prevent further recurrence.
  • Conscientiously operate with the sole aim of preventing harm to the ecosystem.
  • Commit to buying a high-quality product to reduce emissions from heavy metals and the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.
Committed to Product Quality

Product Quality Policy

  • Comply with regulatory requirements for product quality in the country.
  • Continually buy high-quality petroleum products to protect customers’ equipment and to protect the environment.
  • Sensitise and sponsor petroleum products safety campaigns to ensure the safe handling of petroleum products.
  • Work with regulators and consumer protection agencies to enact laws and administrative procedures to ensure product safety in the country.