Ensuring a Satisfied, Loyal Customer Base

We strive to be the most cherished, trusted and valued supplier by providing safe, high quality products and services that meet the needs of our customers and communities. Fairness and honesty are the hallmarks we abide by in all dealings with our customers.

The Company is authorised, by its regulations, to engage in the following business activities:

Oil Trading

Oil Trading

Petroleum Products

Supply of Petroleum products

LPG Storage and Supply

Supply and storage of Liquefied Petroleum products

We are committed to selling high-quality petroleum products above the industry standard

SA Energy currently has off-take agreements with several reputable Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), including Unicorn Petroleum Ltd. (an affiliate company of SA Energy) to supply LPG, PMS and AGO.

SA Energy offers competitive prices and payment terms to its customers, thereby ensuring competitive service delivery and this makes it possible for the company to expand its scope of operations quickly and effectively.